Okay, all that aside, do enjoy yourselves!Just a little note here: the poems and/or selections from poems put before the story are just lines that I liked the sound of and thought fit with the story. I enjoy poetry immensely, and I'm glad to post it here, I hope you enjoy them.
Romance/supernatural/horror, lots of slashiness in this one, be warned. Oh ho ho hooo, looky what Midnight Snacks won!! I got a fanfic award!! YAAAY!! let the slashiness abound!!!Midnightmares: horror/supernatural,
- Chapter 1: Donnie gets abducted by a bloodsucker who takes a liking to him. (rated NC-17 for sex, language and violence. SLASH)
- Chapter 2: Rejuvinate: Donnie has deja vu... (rated PG-13 for gore and such...)
- Chapter 3: Explainations: Some people just won't stay down... and a new enemy is in town (hey, it rhymes!!) (rated PG for... I dunno... stuff...)
- Chapter 4: Dreamscapes and Nightmares: Donnie and a certain someone pick up where they left off, Donnie gets embarrassed, and a murderer makes his move... (rated NC-17 for sex. boo-ya!)
- Chapter 5: Donnie, kidnapped again by someone with much more dire intentions, is in a rather severe bind... and his family has no idea where he is. (Rated R for violence, language and gore. Yeah, there aren't too many bunny rabbits and pink flowers in this one..
- Chapter 1: Raph has a disturbing dream...
- Chapter 2: A severely freaked Raphael tries to discourage his dream visitor- with frightening results.
- Chapter 3: Raph's family is puzzled, and the one and only Angelo makes an appearance. sort of. you kinda have to read it.
- Chapter 4: April gets involved in the effort to find out what the hell is going on, and encounters a strange character...
- Chapter 5: Raph's terror reaches its peak in a horrifying encounter with his malignant succubus (rated NC-17, not a nice scene! Be warned, if your looking to read an NC-17 scene that makes you all warm and happy, this one isn't it. believe me, I have no idea what dark recesses of my mind this part came from)
- Chapter 6: Leo tries to help Raph as his brother continues to slip away, but time is running out...
- Chapter 7: the mysterious Ghost is revealed, and it's all or nothing now. (NC-17)
- Epilogue: a week later...
Disclaimer: Leonardo, Donatello, Michaelangelo, Raphael, Splinter, April, Casey, the Shredder, Krang, etc. are all creations and property of Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird (don'cha just love 'em, folks?), as well as Mirage, Image and Archie comics (yeah, these turtles get around, don't they?)